Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cloud Computing Product Overview Series - 1

I have started a series where I analyze products and provide a brief overview about the products

3LeafSystems - Company develops products so that a grid of resources can be looked at a single pool or resource. They have developed Distributed Virtual Machine Monitor that can provide capability of providing unlimited resource power to VM and allow VM to scale beyond physical resource boundaries.

AppZero - Develops product to create, control and maintain Virtual Application Appliances. Also, has a concept called ZeroOS where it claims that the appliances can be created and portable to compatible OS. It eventually detects the files needed for the VAA and bundles them together. This includes executables and config files.

It may sound that it is similar to Application Virtualization. AppZero claims that this is for server applications as against desktop applications. This is a Server Application Virtualization product.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Google Fusion Tables

Google Fusion table is an experimentation data management system for cloud. I tried with couple of data files I had and it was amazing. It provide visualization and lots of other activities.