Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cloud Computing Security

This is the first of the blogs in this series about Cloud Computing Security.

Security concern is cited as one of the major reasons hampering migration to Cloud. There are bunch of startups in this arena who is trying to solve this issue. I am doing a research in this area.

IBM has been doing a lot of research in this area. This article discusses about how the security tool would help remove the malicious code in cloud - Self Policing Cloud Computing

Also, recent MIT Technology review article on Security concerns may expose the threats in a typical IAAS environment. The user has shown how the spurious VM can snoop and steal data - http://www.technologyreview.com/web/24166/?nlid=2615

Some recent developments are in the area of accessing seamlessly the encrypted data - http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1827871101?bctid=57759044001